Privacy Policy

Interactive Fate games collect only ingame achievement-unlocking data and send it to the corresponding game stores (such as Steam or Epic), which may display aggregated achievement statistics from all players on game page alongside other public information. No other player information is collected.
A summary of how player data is captured, used, and retained:

1. Data Capture

When you play our game and interact with its features, the following data may be captured:

  • Gameplay progress data: achievement progress, completion status, and in-game statistics relevant to unlocking achievements.

2. Data usage

We do not sell, share, or use your gameplay data for advertising purposes. Data is only used for the following purposes:

  • Achievement Tracking: To record, display, and synchronize your achievement progress with game store.

3. Data Retention

  • Achievement progress data: Retained indefinitely on game store's servers as part of your game store profile, governed by game store privacy policy.

  • Gameplay progress data: Stored locally on your device and, if applicable, synchronized with game store

  • Temporary technical Logs (if generated): Diagnostic data (e.g., crash logs) may be retained for a limited time to resolve technical issues.

4. Deleting Data

If you wish to delete local game data (achievements and gameplay progress), you can simply uninstall the game and delete associated files from your device. 

  • Managing or deleting game store profile related data is subject to game store privacy policy. For more information about how a given game store handles player store profile data, see the store privacy policy.

 5. Contact / data-related requests

  • Data Controller: Interactive Fate oü
  • Address: Tähtvere tn 16-4, 51007 Tartu, Estonia
  • Data Protection Officer: support@interactivefate dot com
  • EU Representative: E.Aedma (support@interactivefate dot com)

Store Data related to Interactive Fate games in the Epic Games Store:

  • Data Controller: Epic Games, Inc.
  • Address: 620 Crossroads Blvd., Cary, NC 27518, USA
  • Data Protection Officer:
  • EU/UK Representative: Mishcon de Reya (


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