Devlog update: Resources


  • Payer has better overview of their resources (located in upper left corner of the screen)
  • There are now 4 new resource types in the game 
  • Mothership layout updated
  • Crafting mechanics design is ready, will be implemented in the future
  • Research mechanics design is ready, will be implemented in the future

New resource UI & Mothership layout


Necessary for operating modules, extinguishing fires, fighting boarders, planetary missions, etc. Includes pets. You lose when the last crewmember dies.


A complex mix of partially alive organic compounds.
Needed as food for crewmembers & biological ship modules. Generated by various biosynthesis modules. Can be also harvested from planets with life.


Needed for most of ship actions, most importantly moving and warping. Regularly consumed by engines, reactors and warpdrives. Harvested from gas giants. Also, it is the most commonly sold resource.


Consumed as ammo by larger projectile weapons. Also used to bomb enemies from orbit or detonate strong barriers. Often used as currency by pirates or warlike civilizations. Found on rare gas giants, or civilization ruins. Can be bought but are quite expensive.


Basic building material for most crafting projects. Also consumed when repairing modules.


Basic building material for most crafting projects. Also consumed when repairing modules.


Ultra-rare compounds necessary for crafting more advanced modules. Very expensive to buy, but can be found from remains of dead warplife.

Data Credits

Intergalactic currency. All valuable information can be converted into data credits on the spot. 

Fate points

Earned by ethical choices or winning combats. Can be used to buy perks that make the next run easier.

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